
Lena loves Barre 💛 直腿私教|芭蕾雕塑|優雅體態

15Yoga Sessions Completed


✨風靡全球,好萊塢女星、維密天使都在練 ✨低衝擊高強度肌力訓練 ✨剷除肚腩、水腫 bye bye,變美變緊實 ✨無須具備舞蹈基礎,不分年齡層都可學 ✨提升肌耐力,練出細長肌肉,擁有芭蕾仙女體態 ✨大中華運動健身暨證照協會—芭蕾雕塑認證師資 🌈芭蕾雕塑特色 由受傷芭蕾舞者開發,結合芭蕾、瑜珈與皮拉提斯的動作元素 輔以小型鍛鍊器材,全方位燃脂瘦身的一套運動 整套訓練增加肌肉延展性,身形更修長 強調挺直上半身的動作,自然優雅的手部姿勢 形塑美好氣質體態 P.S. 芭蕾雕塑是運動,不是跳舞喔🙌🙌 💪為什麼要上芭蕾雕塑? 最有效練修長線條,高級精實美 踮腳尖動作,瘦小腿卻不壯壯腿 上半身挺直訓練,擺脫惱人駝背含胸儀態 延長再延長,就是優雅的秘密 多變化課程安排,運動不無聊,持續就是勝利 💛Lena經驗分享💛 體驗過多種運動,伸展瑜伽、瑜伽輪、徒手健身、皮拉提斯…… 還是鍾情於漂漂亮亮,有修長線條的芭蕾雕塑 是芭蕾雕塑,讓我擁有最喜歡的小腿線條,擺脫水腫腿 改善我多年駝背困擾,挺胸不再是痛苦 慢慢的,身體柔軟度還越來越好💃 愛上鏡子裡的自己,絕對不是難事 ✅✅ 適合對象 ✅✅ 欲調整體態、長年受體態困擾、久坐上班族、久沒運動 新手友善✨ 事先了解學生運動習慣,依個別狀況排課 不須舞蹈經驗 🩰推薦課程組合🩰 📸360度伸展舒緩班📸 多年久坐的緊繃身體,越坐越卡 課程著重身體延展,幫你開胸開肩 找回舒服、放鬆的感覺 適合久坐上班族、肩頸痠痛、胸口鬱悶族群 💋細長直腿跟練班💋 專攻身型調整,遠離假跨寬 加強腿部訓練,陪你練出細細女團腿 為夏天短褲、短裙、比基尼做準備 👑天鵝體態養成班👑 挺胸真困難又累人,維持儀態好麻煩😣 服飾是表,儀態是本 只要找對方法,散發專業自信可以很簡單 練出模特挺拔態度,個人印象大提升 👠仙女豪華大禮包 小孩子才做選擇,我全都要! 既要身體延展,又要美腿迎夏天 還要體態的全方位改造 不想遺漏任何訓練內容,就選它💕 課程訓練內容包含 🎯暖身:提高肌肉溫度,漸進式進入運動狀態,避免受傷 🎯上半身手臂訓練:緊實手臂線條,練出纖細臂膀、天鵝頸 🎯下半身訓練:蜜桃臀🍑訓練,腿部緊實練習,消除下半身水腫,養成仙女筆直腿🧚‍♀️ 🎯腹部核心:腹肌練習,穩定肌群獲得正確體態 🎯背肌訓練:緊實背部,挺胸腰直好自信 🎯伸展:舒緩放鬆,拉伸筋膜,緩解身體痠痛 💟正式課需要💟 1. 舒適的衣服 2. 瑜伽墊 3. 一個足夠大的空間 4. 椅子,作為芭蕾把桿使用 5. 電腦/手機/平板,能看到你的動作 快來加入體驗課的行列 ❓體驗課要做什麼 🔰了解你的運動習慣、需求 🔰 芭蕾雕塑簡單介紹 🔰 規劃適合的課程頻率、內容動作 🔰 找到喜歡的運動類型,才是持續的關鍵 小補充:體驗課選擇「初階瑜伽」下單 ❗️課堂提醒❕ ✏️開啟鏡頭 ✏️課堂開始前,確認設備與網路有無異常 ✏️若需請假,於 24 小時前取消課程。若離課程開始不到 24 小時,請於Amazing talker聊天室知會我 ✏️課程開始後若因故未出席,無法進行補課,將標記課程完成
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Class videos can be downloaded
Videos from one-on-one courses can be downloaded within one year after the course ends, greatly enhancing your learning experience!
( This bonus only available for students who enable the class recording function)

3 Yoga course reviews

  • Anonymous
    Jul 28, 2024
  • Anonymous
    Jun 16, 2024
    非常喜歡老師的教學, 很細心
See all 3 reviews

Performance History



  • 2021 till now YogaLife Studio


  • 2012 - 2017 National Cheng Kung University 企管系

  • 2015 - 2016 法國電信商學院 Telecom sud Paris Business

  • 2021 till now YogaLife Studio
  • 2012 - 2017

    National Cheng Kung University


  • 2015 - 2016

    法國電信商學院 Telecom sud Paris



How to book

  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.

Lesson duration

  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).


  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.

Refund policy

  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.
How to book
  • After buying courses, you can book them according to the teacher’s schedule.
  • If “Instant Tutoring” shows on the teacher’s profile, you can book the lesson 30 minutes after the current time.
  • If the teacher is not online, the next available class cannot be booked until 24 hours afterward.
Lesson duration
  • The duration of a trial session is 25 minutes.
  • The duration of a private session is 50 minutes.
  • If you purchase more than 5 sessions, you will receive a discount (according to the price the teacher set).
  • Enter the website 10 minutes before the class starts. Click “My Lessons” to find your class, click “Go to class”, and then you will be in the classroom on ZOOM!
  • You can use ZOOM for classes both on your phone and computer. Please download ZOOM in advance if you choose to use your phone for the class.
Refund policy
  • Please click “Report Issue” if you encountered any problems, and the teacher will determine either reschedule or refund afterward.
  • If the teacher doesn’t respond the issue, we will provide a full refund as AT credits for you.

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