⭐️ 14 years of tutoring experience both online and face-to-face classes
⭐️ Effective, goal-oriented classes to help you reach you goal day by day!
⭐️ For children, teens & adult beginners
⭐️ A lot of students achieve desired results after learning with me.
⭐️ Fun and friendly Class
🎹 🎼 🎻 🎺 🎷 🎨 🎸
⭐️ FREE Violin & viola books
⭐️ You will learn how to tune your instrument, change the strings, read the sheet music and many more
⭐️ Learn to play your favorite songs in the violin
⭐️ Tune your instrument before entering the class
⭐️ Bring your pen and a notebook to collect useful expressions in class.
⭐️ Always check your connection and devices before class starts.
⭐️ Cancel the class 24 hours before class. If you have to cancel a class within 24 hours, be sure you notify me through What’s App/AT Chat
See you soon! 😉