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Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
Learn with over 1.3 million other students on AmazingTalker. Start with flexible schedules and no commitments. From beginner classes, professional classes to exam prep, we have specialized teachers in each for you to compare prices and reviews. If you have little time to choose, you can fill out the form and we will recommend the most suitable teacher for you, taking into account your objectives, budget and available time.
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My boy has been learning for a while and remarkable progression is observed.
In this lesson, Dan taught me some new vocabulary and phrases, and pointed out a commonly seen mistake related to singular / plural forms. Great!
He is a sincere teacher. I respect him. He is always on time And is ready for the class. Every homework is meaningful to my growth. I strongly recommend this class who are eager to learn English.
Good lesson to study related her school things
I've been having lessons with Chris for half a year, once a week. This is one of the things I look forward to the most every week :) Chris is friendly, encouraging, and always well prepared for the lessons. He has exposure to various cultures, so I never feel bored talking with him. He gives me homework every week to reinforce my memory of the new vocabulary I've learned in the lesson and checks it in the next one. This is really useful, as I tend to forget things easily. With Chris's help, I think I've already learned more than a hundred words in this half year. Sometimes, when I see those words in the news or in daily life, I feel so glad that I’ve already learned them! Thanks so much Chris :)